Hi, my name is Ryan

I'm a full-stack developer with a passion for crafting engaging digital experiences.

About Me

With experience building dynamic user interfaces and architecting scalable web applications, I specialize in innovative and reliable software solutions. I collaborate with exceptional teams to deliver ambitious and accessible projects—the more challenging, the better.

My journey began in my freshman year of high school when I picked up an old copy of "C++ Primer." Quickly I stumbled into the world of coding and software development. From single-page web applications and server-side code to experiments with web and native OpenGL—even writing embedded code to control the pumps in my reef tank—I've been passionately tinkering ever since.


Vanguard (Via Infosystems) | October 2020-August 2024

Technology Lead

Continuing to work for Vanguard through Infosystems as part of their strategic partnership.

Key Contributions:

Vanguard | March 2020-October 2020

Full Stack Developer

Zip Code Wilmington | October 2019-March 2020


NüPOINT Marketing | August 2018-August 2019

Web Developer

Projects | Experiments | Games

Thwomp Chat

In development, a web-app enabling authenticated users to connect with peers and create chat groups. Built using Angular, Java Spring, and Websockets.

3D Voxel Game

Built using Unity and C#. Featuring procedural terrain generation, efficient resource management, and voxel state propagation for interactive environments.


An interactive demo of some of the fun that can be had with GPU rendering in a web browser using webGL.


A clone of your favorite asteroid shooter! Cross-platform and built with C++ using the SDL library for graphics, sound, and responsive controls. With CMake and vcpkg, setup is simple on any machine or architecture.

Video Call Site

Developed a web application enabling authenticated users to engage in real-time video calls using vanilla JavaScript, Socket.IO, WebRTC, and Node.js Express for backend.

Block Game

Lightweight clone of the classic block-stacking game, built with plain JS and HTML. Includes mobile support for a retro experience. You know the game, it's Tetris.

Favorite Frameworks, Languages and Tools

Angular React Spring
Typescript JavaScript Java C# Postgresql CSS3 HTML5 C Python Go
Git AWS Digital Ocean Unix Debian NGINX NPM Apache Maven CMake Vite Node.js

© 2024 Ryan Miller.


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